Easy Mileage
- Run easy when there is no workout ~ pace that you can talk
- Exception for beginners, there is a run-walk interval workout which should be treated as a very simple exercise → jog at easy pace → walk → repeat until time
- The amount of mileage you do in the minutes you have allotted(beginner categories) or miles you have allotted(intermediate-advanced up) will build your aerobic base and help you get used to running
- Benefits
- Decreases recovery time in between runs
- conditions your body to running
- decreases soreness
- Prepares runner for workouts
- Minimizes injury during season
- So many more etc. etc.
- Strides → acceleration to 5K race pace for about 4-5 seconds and then deceleration, should not feel strenuous at all
- Rest until you feel 100% and then do another stride
- These will help you get used to faster running in a non stressful way
- This is NOT a sprint, just an acceleration and a deceleration
- All ON paces @ T Pace
- What is T Pace? Threshold a.k.a the secret to distance running!
- Your body produces lactate as a byproduct of exercise because of a biological principle called anaerobic respiration
- This is the acute soreness you experience during workout (i.e. think about the awful feeling when you run an 800m) BUT NOT the soreness you experience hours or days later
- Your threshold pace is the pace at which the rate your body produces this lactate matches the rate that it expels it
- There are many types of threshold paces but we are SPECIFICALLY talking about a pace that you can hold for about an hour and a half and can utter a couple sentences while running it
- NOT meant to be too hard, if you feel like it’s too hard, slow down! You do not want to be digging or exploding in these workouts
- Keep HR range from 160-180 if you have access to that information
- Rest → different rest is prescribed based on your level. If you feel that the reps are too easy, decrease your rest but NOT your pace!
Strength Training
Refer to this incredible website